Get Involved
Vanlife Festival would love your feedback and help.
Do you have a Trade Stall you would like to bring to Vanlife Festival?
Would you like to display your vehicle and talk to others about your journey and the realisation of your dream?
You may like to give a talk or do a workshop to help others,
Or would you like to volunteer to help us build and look after the site and all it’s visitors
However you would like to help or contribute, we want to here from you
Follow the links below to tell us how you would like to contribute.
Display your vehicle at the Vanlife Festival 2024 initial Application
Would you like to apply to be one of the unique display vehicles in our Field of Inspiring Dreams and it’s associated displays?
We will consider applications from all types of vehicles – including Horse drawn vehicles, vans, micro campers, car campers, horse trucks, buses, motorhomes, expedition vehicles or ex-service vehicles.
If you camp in it or live in it and If you think your vehicle is exceptional or has features you are willing to show off to others,
Send us an email with at least 3 different photos showing off your vehicle’s features along with a written description by clicking this link:
Field of Inspiring Dreams
The Vanlife Festival team will select the lucky ones and notify you by email.
Check out our gallery to see last year’s Field of Inspiring Dreams vehicles.
You are very welcome to arrive from:
• Thursday 30th May from Midday – 20:00
• Friday 31st May from 10:00 – 21:00.
• You can also arrive from 08:00 Saturday morning 1st June, but be aware that you will need to arrive at the festival NO LATER than 09:00 as the show will be open to the public at 10:00. If you can’t arrive before 09:00 on Saturday then please do not apply to display your vehicle in the Field of Inspiring Dreams.
On Saturday 1st June the Displays Access Gate will be closed at 9:00 (ready for the show to open to the public at 10:00) and re-open on Sunday 2nd at 16:00, so you will need to be able to stay until 16:00 Sunday 2nd June when the event closes to the public.
People displaying will be able to camp in the display area and will not have to move all weekend.
We don’t expect you to stay with your vehicle all weekend however we ask you to give a few hours of your time to talk to our visitors at peak times between 10:00 – 17:00. We would like you to please bring also bring some photos and written information or facts and figures about your vehicle that people can read from your window.
Full terms and conditions will be included in the application form if your request is successful. You will need to agree to these T’s and C’s
Talks Initial Interest Application
Are you interested in giving a talk at Vanlife Festival?
Tell us your name
What you are going to talk about
How long your talk is
to apply click the email link below:
Workshops Initial Interest application
Are you interested in doing a workshop at Vanlife Festival?
Tell us your name, what your workshop is and involves
include at least 3 pics of your workshop setup including some of the activities
To apply click the email link below:
Holistic & Wellbeing Initial Interest application
Do you provide a Holistic service?
Would you like to feature in our Holistic and wellbeing area?
Then please tell us about yourself and the service you provide and
send us a few pics of your set up
To apply click the email link below:
Initial Interest application for Site Crew
Would you like to volunteer your time and skills in exchange for a free ticket and camping at this year’s Vanlife Festival?
Shifts will be about 4 hours long, with 3-4 shifts over the festival period. This leaves you time to see the displays, attend the talks and workshops and be part of the fun and entertainment. Plus, you will get a meal voucher for every shift worked.
You will need to be onsite by 15:00 on Wednesday 29 May for the crew meeting and be able to stay until 16:00 Sunday 3 June to be considered. However, you can camp on site from Tuesday 28 May until Monday 3 June if you wish.