2023 Twisted Sock Schedule

2024 updates coming soon…

The Twisted sock brings you a series of ‘open forum’ workshop discussions hosted by
‘I Am Nomad’ (aka Levi).

Got something you really want to know or talk about? Then come along and participate.
Levi has over 4 decades of life on the road so has a wealth of practical knowledge & experience.

Drive to Survive

Saturday Late Afternoon

Drive to survive – The practicalities of life on the road. What to do about Mail; Mental and Physical Health?; Where Do You Poo?(personal hygiene); HELP it’s a 110 in the shade (keeping warm or cool) and other stuff

A van With side Windows

Sunday Morning

The legalities. Drivers licence; Tax insurance and MOT; vehicle classification; Under the influence (drugs or alcohol) No Overnight Camping

Hide in Plain sight

Sunday Afternoon

To Stealth or Not To Stealth; ‘Parking’ or ‘Camping’?; When to be a MoHo!

Check the billboard at The Twisted Sock for specific times

Alley Cat Dance

Live Modern Jive dance instruction/demo’s

Are you a ‘Dad Dancer’? Can you bust some moves? Or do you just sorta stand there and jiggle about? Have you always wanted to be able to show off on the dance floor? Maybe you can dance but your partner can’t. Well come along, alone or with a partner, have some fun and learn how to really move.

Colin and Sally are professional dancers and dance instructors fresh off the cruise ship circuit

The Fire Pit

Friday, Saturday & Sunday dusk till late

You never know what you will find at The FirePit and neither do we because it is what YOU make it. We provide the fire and a chilled out atmosphere.
You provide the rest. So come along and hang out. Meet new folk, reconnect with friends. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of site life.

Maybe you play a musical instrument then bring it along for a live jam session or practice for open mike night on the main stage. Maybe you juggle then come and show us your skills. Or you are a comedian then come and give us all some belly laughs. A dancer or a story teller maybe?

Maybe you just want to come and chillax to soak it all in? Whatever you want, it’s all good and we really want to see you.

Everyone is welcome at The FirePit

I Am Nomad will also be doing tours of Mini Moo and The Truck With No Name so if you missed it, never seen it or just wanna second look then come along and be nosey. I will be happy to show you around and discuss how I have done things and why

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